A Day in the Sea

My time here on Ko Chang island has been a strange mixture of holiday and school work. No stranger to the balance of work and play (thank you, UCSB), I've had the opportunity to squeeze in some pretty phenominal excursions. This past weekend, a big group of us jetted off to snorkel around four islands south of Koh Chang, in the Gulf of Thailand. We were taken by our Thai instructor, Rungwit, who was able to converse with the Thai tourist company and lead us around the breathtaking islands.

The last time I went snorkeling had to have been in Maui, roughly seven years ago. So you could imagine my excitement to witness the gulf's sea life and be out in the sun all day. Thankfully we were blessed with gorgeous weather and crystal-clear blue water that made for some amazing exploration. I was able to see a variety of colorful fish, sea anemones, crabs, and sea cucumbers around the last island we visited, called Koh Wai. In essence, complete tropical paradise. Total cost of the trip: 500 baht (roughly $14). Not bad for transportation to and from Ko Chang, a full-day of snorkeling, and a delicious Thai lunch buffet.

Our shuttle to the first island.
Rungwit, the pimp.

Rina and I don't mess around when it comes to snorkeling.

Did I mention I'm loving Thailand?

Written on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 3:36 AM by Christine Miller